April 27th, 2022 (7:03:50 pm)

Well...okay then! I guess this is a microblog! And I guess it doesn't get more "micro" than a bunch of completely unstyled HTML pages, does it? Huh huh huh...

April 27th, 2022 (7:19:26 pm)

Here's my latest microblog update. This one comes in from Airtable. I'm not sure if I'm actually going to get this to work or not. But, I like the idea, at least.

April 29th, 2022 (2:33:45 pm)

If I've done this correctly, I've allowed myself to add entries both via Airtable table and via repo markdown files. This could be cool.

April 29th, 2022 (2:35:59 pm)

Microblogging via Eleventy and Airtable

Here's what I'm trying to do, and what I think I'm now doing successfully: I've set up an Eleventy site that takes both markdown files and entries from a specific Airtable table, and funnels them both into a single collection, which in turn is syndicated as a single feed, which will act as my microblog. In turn, it should, if this works, also allow me to add "longer" posts, like this one, that have titles, which Micro.blog will pick up as such.

Maybe. We'll see if this works.

Now I just need something of actual interest to say with this set-up. And a theme, too, probably a theme, as well.

April 29th, 2022 (3:32:38 pm)

And for my final trick, if I've done *this* correctly, the site and feed should update automatically after I add new entries in Airtable, without me needing to run a deploy manually.

April 29th, 2022 (8:51:45 pm)

In the span of a day or two here, I've got an at-least somewhat functional initial version of a microblog going, and I've started figuring out some silly Drupal stuff I've too-long put off investigating. Feeling pleased.

April 30th, 2022 (7:07:27 pm)

Spent two hours on hold with AT&T today to find out that, no, finding out that a tree branch literally ripped the fiber line out of my house, wasn’t going to make an earlier service appointment magically open up for me. Sigh.

April 30th, 2022 (7:17:54 pm)

I’ve been trying to run at least ten miles a week for a while now. A good run tomorrow, if I can get it in between storms, gets me to an 11 week streak. Fingers crossed… 🏃

May 2nd, 2022 (8:21:11 pm)

Testing something out on my Airtable interface: filtering out "drafts" versus "published" microposts. This one should appear sometime after I check the magic box...

May 2nd, 2022 (8:25:39 pm)

In other news, my blog post about this whole set up is actually mostly drafted now. It's fun to feel like I'm having fun with writing again.

May 3rd, 2022 (1:46:10 pm)

I should say, apologies to anyone actually following this feed, I feel like I keep doing weird things to the RSS feed, so sorry if a bunch of duplicate and old entries keep going out!

May 4th, 2022 (2:32:38 pm)

So I just realized that the reason all my Airtable posts have been getting the same, wrong created date; they're all picking up the date of the file being used to generate the collection. Whoops.

May 4th, 2022 (3:02:55 pm)

And...I think I've fixed the dates output to the RSS feed, and the dates 11ty uses to sort content. Turning the RSS feed back on on micro.blog shortly. Hopefully this ends my janky feed issues for once and for all!

May 6th, 2022 (12:15:40 pm)

Wrote up a blog post (at my other blog 🙃) on how I’m using 11ty, Airtable, and Netlify to power my microblog. https://namingthingsishard.blog/posts/2022_05_05_14_28_02/

May 15th, 2022 (2:23:48 pm)

A fun thing to do is buy a big stack of books from a bunch of local stores while on vacation and then come home to the delivery of a separate big stack of books that you ordered online before going on vacation. 📚

May 18th, 2022 (8:26:04 pm)

Applying the sliiightest layer of style to this site. Enough so it doesn't look like, well, the bare-naked test site it actually is. (That said, feeling an increasing urge to create a personal pattern library for my disparate digital outputs.)

May 20th, 2022 (2:23:02 pm)

Less than 24 hours til my first 10k race. The annoying part is that "resting up" before the race means no running for a couple days, which would be a great way to work off the anxiety leading up to the event. Nervous pacing it is, then! 🏃

May 24th, 2022 (4:58:28 pm)

Not mad at the spoon-sized glob of Momofuku Chili Crunch I dropped onto my pack of ramen noodles for lunch. Not mad one bit.

May 26th, 2022 (2:01:47 pm)

While I'll rarely turn down sweets, I don't often actively crave them. So clearly stress levels are up when I'm considering bankrupting the freezer ice cream supply at 10:00 AM.

May 29th, 2022 (3:08:46 pm)

I think I had work around the house I was supposed to do today. I appear to have made cookies and pretzels instead. Oops?…

May 29th, 2022 (4:45:29 pm)

Okay…the problem with doing these pretzels in bite-sized bits is…now I can’t stop eating them. Oops.

June 1st, 2022 (2:32:58 am)

Hey, turns out, interval workouts are fun! Afterwards. When you’re done. And can say you did the thing. 🏃‍♂️

June 6th, 2022 (1:44:57 am)

Started up the smoker again after a long hiatus. Did some tofu and some chicken breasts. Ain’t mad at how either turned out.

June 8th, 2022 (4:44:36 pm)

Having seen two breathless articles about the movie RRR in the last 24 hours, I'm all the more glad that I'm *finally* working my way through Baahubali.

June 10th, 2022 (3:43:07 am)

Had a good run tonight, ending my first ever three-day run streak. Also: ow ow ow. 😂 Looking forward to rest day tomorrow. 🏃

June 12th, 2022 (2:31:04 pm)

Kids these days don’t know how good they have it. Back in my day, we had to write book reports to get credit for our summer reading club books! Uphill both ways!

June 15th, 2022 (7:01:52 pm)

Of all my dumb ideas, starting a "Dumb Ideas" note in the Apple notes app to capture them all, might be the most dumb.

June 16th, 2022 (3:39:07 pm)

One of these years I'll properly celebrate both Bloomsday and Pynchon in Public day but this is not that year I guess.

June 22nd, 2022 (4:27:13 pm)

Debating turning this feed into an airtable-only microblog and starting up yet another blog for mildly longer-form blog content that doesn't fit into any of my topic-specific blogs. Because I can't stop won't stop creating blogs.